This is it! The day you need to pick up the ingredients to make that rock star rib marinade recipe for your 4th of July BBQ. This dish will take a few hours to marinate so you better get going.
Once you wow everyone with this recipe, you’ll want to smile and share all of the ingredients except one “secret” ingredient (that really isn’t so secret). People love secrets and it keeps them coming back for that special dish you make 😉 . You can call this dish “YOUR NAME Rock Star Ribs.” It’s easy, wine friendly, and so delicious. I learned this marinade recipe from a roommate almost 15 years ago and I swear it got me a few dates and ultimately a proposal. No promises on a proposal, but you’ll definitely have happy guests who’ll sing your praises! And don’t show up without wine. Pick up our Frichette Merlot and our Red Table wine. Both will pair nicely with this dish. Okay, here’s the recipe.
1 1⁄4 cups light brown sugar
1 cup soy sauce
1 tbsp. Asian sesame oil
1⁄4 tsp. crushed red chile flakes
4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 2″ piece peeled fresh ginger, finely chopped
3 lbs. pork baby back ribs (or beef ribs)
¼ cup of water
Parsley for garnish
You probably have some of these already in the kitchen and if not, your local grocer will carry them.
Whisk together brown sugar, soy sauce, sesame oil, chile flakes, garlic, ginger, and 1⁄4 cup water in a bowl. Pour over the ribs coating them well. Cover bowl with plastic wrap and toss in the refrigerate overnight.
Simmer marinade in a saucepan stirring occasionally, until thick.
Toss ribs on grill and slow cook, brushing on marinade occasionally. Cook until tender and done.
Put ribs on a pretty dish and garnish with parsley.
And there you go! You are a rock star and everyone will love you for blessing them with these tender, juicy, and nicely flavored ribs. Don’t forget the wine.